The ordinances listed below go back to the founding of the Borough in 1899. Many of them were originally written in longhand, and have not been transcribed. Following the list is an index which may be used to locate ordinances by subject or keyword.
Our ordinances are currently going through a process called "codification." The ordinances will be simplified and updated. They will all be printed, rather than hand-written. They will be updated, and the repealed and superseded ordinances will be removed. The new Code of Ordinances should be ready later this year.
"A-" or "R-" indicates that an ordinance has been amended or repealed, with the number of the amending or repealing ordinance.
"A-" or "R-" indicates that an ordinance has been amended or repealed, with the number of the amending or repealing ordinance.
"A-" or "R-" indicates that an ordinance has been amended or repealed, with the number of the amending or repealing ordinance.
"A-" or "R-" indicates that an ordinance has been amended or repealed, with the number of the amending or repealing ordinance.
"A-" or "R-" indicates that an ordinance has been amended or repealed, with the number of the amending or repealing ordinance.
"A-" or "R-" indicates that an ordinance has been amended or repealed, with the number of the amending or repealing ordinance.
Abandoned automobiles 200
Abandoned facilities beneath streets 161, 270
Abandonment of a building or land 146
Accessory building 146
Accessory structure 275
Admission charge 228
Air gun 17
Alcohol 233, 274
Alignment of sewer pipe 73
Alley 209
All-terrain vehicles 273
Alteration of buildings 146, 162
Amendments to zoning districts 189
Amusement permit 170, 228
Amusement tax 170, 228
Anchoring 184, 275
Animal feces 210
Animal maintenance 200
Animals 1, 2, 5, 98, 210
Animals on sidewalks or pavements 3
Animals on streets 5
Animals running at large 2, 210
Annual cleaning of cellars 1
Antenna 217
Apartment 189
Appeals 184
Application to tap into sewer 73
Assessment 71, 152, 160 Assessor 154
Association 153
Auditor, Borough elected 272, 277
Auditor, independent 272, 277
Auto dismantling 84
Awnings 22
Backfilling 161, 270
Barker Avenue 9, 13, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 71, 74
Barking 210
Barn 98
Barricades 161
Base flood 275
Basement 198, 275
Basketball court 233, 243, 274
Basketball hoops 273
Bathroom 189
Beaver County Light Company 58
Beaver County Telephone Company 18
Beaver Falls 45, 71, 176
Beaver Valley Electric Light and Power Co. 15, 38, 39
Beaver Vallsy Country Club 146, 166
Bedroom 189
Bicycle/skateboard ramps 273
Board of Health 1
Board of Zoning Adjustment 146, 209
Boat trailers 273
Boats 273
Bone boiling 1
Borough Building 233, 243
Borough Council, powers of 1
Borough Engineer 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 45, 71, 114
Borough Grade Book 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 45, 92, 114
Borough line 45
Borough park 233, 235, 243
Borough Treasurer 71
Borrow 206
Bridge Street 71
Brush on streets 22
Buffer yard 209
Building code 231
Building height 209
Building lines 146
Building permit 184, 209, 280
Building permit fee 190
Building placement 275
Building set back 146
Building size 146
Bulky waste 224
Burning 22, 203, 236, 250
Burning of waste or recyclables 224
Bus 273
Businesses 155
Butchering 1
Capital equipment purchase 221
Card playing in public 6
Cartway width 92
Catch basins 152
Cats 210
Cattle 1, 2, 5
Cell tower 217
Center line 114
Central Alley 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 71
Central Avenue 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 45, 71, 74
Central District and Printing Telegraph Co. 4
Certificate of insurance 161
Cesspool 1, 73, 200
Changes to zoning districts 189
Charitable 281
Chicken coop 98
Chief of Police 165, 233, 235, 239, 247, 248
Child care facility 243
Cistern 200
Code enforcement 246
Collars on animals 210
Collection of recyclables, co-mingled 224
Commercial 146
Commissions 155
Common open space 243
Communicable disease 1
Communicable disease, exposure to 1
Communicable disease, notification of 1
Compensation 155
Condemnation 207
Condemnation of street 242
Conditional use 209, 217
Conduct of minors, unlawful 173
Conduits 18
Congregating or loafing 6
Construction 162, 184, 275
Construction of buildings 146
Construction permit 275
Construction waste 224
Containers, recycling 224
Controlled substances 274
Conversion apartment 146, 189
Conversion of buildings 162
Corporation 153
Cows 98
Curb construction 220
Curb cut 220, 280
Curb grade 92, 114
Curbs 160
Curbside collection 224
Curfew 56, 173, 233, 235
Curfew bell 56
Dangerous conditions 1
Dangerous materials 275
Dangerous structures 200
Darlington Alley 13
Darlington Avenue 9, 14, 24, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34
Darlington Road 71, 92
Darlington Road reconstruction 63
Dead animals 1
Debt 194, 206, 221
Delinquent Real Estate Transfer Tax 238
Demolition 162, 207
Demolition of street 242
Denial of identification card 281
Department of Community Affairs 193, 206
Dept. of Community and Economic Development 269
Department of Highways 63
Deposits for street openings 161
Diseased animals 210
Disorderly conduct 6
Disposal of solid waste 212
Disruptive conduct 227, 246
Document 153
Domestic animals 210
Drainage 184, 275
Drainage lines 152
Drainage structure 63
Drainpipe construction 1
Drains 1
Drinking in public 6
Drinking water 1
Driveway 220, 280
Driveway construction 220
Driveway width 220
Dumpster 224
Duplex 209
Dwelling unit 209
Dye tests 280
Earned Income Tax 155
Eight miles per hour 16
Eighth Avenue 74, 92, 114
Eighth Street 74, 92, 95
Election 7
Electric lights 38, 39
Electric service 15
Electrical systems 184
Elevation 114
Elevation requirements 184
Elm Avenue 9, 25, 32, 33, 34, 71, 74
Emergencies 161, 165, 236, 248
Emergency errand 56
Emergency vehicles 244, 273
Employer obligations 155
Engineer 73
Enlargement of buildings 162
Entertainment 228
Equibank 206
Erection of buildings 162
Erosion control 193
Essential service 146
Excavations 12, 73, 161, 270
Explosion 36
Explosive substance 36
Extension of structure 146
Fallston Borough 269
False alarms 239, 247
Family 209
Family farm 196
Farm equipment 273
FEMA 275
Fence height 249
Fence materials 249
Fences 146, 182, 217, 249
Fern Avenue 9, 24, 26, 31, 32, 33, 34, 71, 74
Fifth Avenue 74, 92, 114
Fifth Street 74, 92, 95, 114
Fill 275
Fire Chief 189, 236
Fire Department 239, 247, 281
Fire hydrants 8
Firearms 17
Firemen's Relief Association 79
Fireplace 236, 250
Fireworks 1
Firing of metal instruments 36
First Avenue 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 34, 71, 74
Flobert rifle 17
Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) 275
Flood Insurance Study (FIS) 275
Flood-Fringe Area 184, 198
Flooding 184, 275
Flooding area 198
Floodplain 193, 198, 275
Floodplain Administrator 275
Floodplain management 198
Floodproofing requirements 184
Floodway 198
Floodway Area 184, 275
Flushers 71
Flush-tank 73
Football goal posts 273
Foot-front Rule 71, 152, 160
Fourth Avenue 74, 92, 114
Fourth Street 74, 92, 95, 114
Front yard 146
Garage 223
Garbage 1, 200, 224
Garbage pickup placement timing 224
Gas service 11
Gate 182
Geese 2, 5
General obligation note 194, 221
General revenue 155
Generator 269
Goats 98
Grade 1, 8, 9, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 45, 63, 114
Grade of sewer pipe 73
Grease trap 73
Grills 236, 250
Gross floor area 209
Gunpowder 1, 36
Habitable living area 189
Harrah Avenue 9, 24, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 71, 74
Hattie Street 9, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 71, 74
Hazardous materials 184
Hazardous waste 224
Hedges 146
Height of buildings 146, 162
Hillside Avenue 33, 45, 71, 89, 92
Historic structure 275
Hockey nets 273
Home occupations 146
Horses 2, 3, 5, 98
Hospitals 193
Hours for burning 250
Hours of solicitation 281
House 146
House numbers 77, 240
House trailers 146, 273
Identification card 281
Improvements to streets 161
Incline track 71
Indebtedness 7, 221, 264, 266, 267
Industrial zone 146
Industry 146
Inflammable articles 1
Inhabited trailers 119
Inspections 73, 119, 184, 275
Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement 269
International Property Maintenance Code 242
Jails or prisons 193
Junk yards 84
Junked automobiles 200
Land development 184, 209
Landfill 212
Landlord 227, 246
Landlord registration 246
Large portable storage containers 273
Large van 273
Large vehicles 244, 273
Leaf waste 224
Leash 210
Liability insurance for street openings 161, 270
Limousine 273
Living unit 189
Load limits 165
Location of buildings 146
Lot 146, 209
Lot area 209
Lot coverage 209
Lot percentage of occupation 146
Lot width 209
Lowest floor 198
Maintenance of buildings 146, 162
Manhole 18, 71
Manufactured homes 198, 275
Manufacturers Light and Heat Company 11
Manure 1
Map, zoning variance 146
Mayor 236, 275
Mediation 209
Minimum gross floor area 209
Minors 233, 235, 281
Missed inspection fees 227
Mobile (modular) home 209
Mobile home 146, 184, 198, 273
Motor home 273
Movable structures, inhabitable 119
Moving of buildings 162
Mules 3
Multiple dwelling 146
Multiple Dwelling Overlay District 209
Municipal Assistance Grant 269
Municipal Assistance Program 269
Municipal bell 56
Municipal building 146
Municipal Code Official 231
Municipal lien letters 280
Municipal waste 204, 212, 224
Myrtle Avenue 9, 30, 32, 33, 34, 71, 74
National City Bank 221
National Flood Insurance Program 275
Ninth Avenue 74, 92, 114
No Parking signs 136, 165
No solicitation list 281
Noise 36, 233
Nonconforming lot, structure, or use 209
Non-profit 281
Non-renewal of owner's license 246
Nuisance 1, 200, 227
Number of stories in buildings 146
Nursing homes 193
Obligation note 264, 266, 267
Obligations of tenants 246
Obscenities 233
Occupancy license 246
Occupancy of buildings 162
Occupancy permit 209
Offal 1
Offensive odors 1
Off-street parking 146
Old Coal Road 71
One hundred year flood 193
One-way streets 165, 248
Outside toilet 73
Park 233, 235, 274
Park Zone 146
Parking 22, 136, 165, 185, 244, 248
Parking requirements 209
Parking space construction 189
Parking space size 189
Patterson Heights Borough Park 233
Patterson Heights Water Company 8
Patterson Township 269
Pavement cuts 161
Paving 221
Paving of roads 266
Peddling 281
PennDOT 266, 267
Pennsylvania Construction Code 231
Pennsylvania Infrastructure Bank 266
Per capita tax 115, 154
Permits 161
Permits for inhabitable movable structures 119
Person 153
Pets 210, 274
Photograph identification 281
Pickup campers 273
Pig pens 1
Placard 184, 275
Planning commission 193, 209
Playground 146, 233, 243
Plot plan 146
Plumbing 184
PNC Bank 264, 267
Poles 15, 18, 38, 39, 58
Police Department 239, 247
Police officer 235
Pools 182
Population density 146
Portable storage containers 262, 278
Poultry 98
Power lines 15
Principal Borough street 209
Private garage 146
Privy 1
Profanity in public 6
Professional offices 146
Professions 155
Projectiles 17
Property maintenance 207, 242
Prothonotary 71
Public behavior 6
Public garage 146
Public health 1
Public park 274
Public place 235
Public safety 1
Public sewer 71
Real estate purchase 13
Real Estate Tax rate 99, 230, 234, 237, 241, 254, 261, 265, 271, 276, 279
Real estate transfer 196
Real Estate Transfer Tax 153, 196, 238
Rear yard 146
Recorder of Deeds 71, 153
Recreation 274
Recreation facilities 274
Recreational area 146
Recreational burning 236, 250
Recreational trailer 273
Recreational vehicles 275
Recycling 204, 212, 224
Reeves Bank 194
Refuse 1
Registration 281
Religious 281
Remodeling 146, 209
Removing of buildings 162
Rental fees 227, 253
Rental inspection 227, 246
Rental owner's license and inspection fee 253
Rental property registration 280
Rental reinspection fee 253
Rental unit inspection 227, 246, 280
Rental unit manager 227, 246
Rental units 227
Repairs 162
Repairs by the Borough 246
Repeat inspection fees 227
Reservoir 1
Residence 146
Residential District 209, 217
Residential Zone 146, 189
Restoration 146, 270
Restoring of street opening 161
Revocation of building permit 184
Revocation of identification card 281
Revocation of owner's license 246
Revolver 17
Rifle 17
Road loan 266, 267
Road repair 267
Road weight limits 263
Roll-off trash containers 262, 273, 278
Roof pitch 209, 223
Rooming house 146
Rubbish 200, 224
Rubbish on streets 22
Safety 207
Salaries 155
Sale of real estate by Borough 118
Sanitary sewer system 275
Sanitary sewers 71, 73, 177, 180, 184
Sanitary Water Board of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 71
Sanitation 207, 242
Second Avenue 9, 10, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 71, 74
Secretary 268
Sedimentation control 193
Seeing Eye dogs 210
Semitrailer 273
Septic tank 73
Seventh Avenue 74, 92, 114
Seventh Street 74, 92, 95, 136
Sewage treatment 176
Sewer 1, 71
Sewer bonds 71
Sewer fees 259
Sewer pipe alignment 73
Sewer pipe grade 73
Sewer rates 280
Sewer rental 166, 177
Sewer system construction 71
Sewer usage charge 176
Sexual offenders 243
Shade Tree Commission 215
Sheep 1, 2, 5, 98
Short Street 9, 71, 74
Side yard 146
Side yard width 182
Sidewalk 14, 220
Sidewalk paving 10
Sidewalk width 10, 14
Signs 146, 209
Single family dwelling 146
Sixth Avenue 74, 92, 114, 136
Sixth Street 74, 92, 95, 114
Size of buildings 146
Size of house numbers 77
Slaughtering 1
Slingshots 17
Small lots 146
Smallpox vaccination, mandatory 1
Smoking 274
Snowmobiles 273
Soccer goals 273
Social Security for Borough employees 129
Soil pipes 1
Solicitation 281
Special permit 193
Speed limits 16, 165
Spring 1
Spring Street 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 71, 74
Stable 1, 98
State Highway Route 204 63
Stop sign locations 252, 255, 257
Stop signs 95, 165, 251, 252, 255, 257
Storage 275
Storage (garbage, dead animals, manure, rubbish) 146
Storage building and structure placement 184
Storm drainage 221
Storm water 73
Street Commissioner 161
Street lights 38, 39, 58
Street line 63, 146
Street name change 74
Street opening permits 270
Street openings 8, 11, 12, 161, 270, 280
Streets 160, 184, 194, 275
Structure 146
Structure safety 242
Subdivision 209, 275
Surface waters 73, 152
Suspension of owner's license 246
Swimming pools 182
Swine 1, 2, 5, 98
Tap-in fee 73, 180
Tax Collector 115, 153, 196
Tax discount 115, 154
Tax on net profits 155
Tax penalty 115, 154
Telegraph lines 15, 18
Telegraph service 4
Telephone lines 15, 18
Telephone service 4, 18
Tenant 227
Tenant registration 246
Tenant's covenants 246
Tent trailers 273
Third Avenue 14, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 71, 74
Timely removal of trash containers 258
Tow dolly 273
Townhouse 209
Trade 146
Traffic 165
Trailer 119, 146, 273
Trailer camps 146
Transaction 153
Transfer Tax 153, 196
Transient retail business 281
Trash bag 224
Trash containers 258
Treasurer 268
Truck camper 273
Truck tractor 273
Tunnel 161
Underground cables 18
Underground facilities 161
Undertaker 1
Uniform Building Code 162
Uniform Construction Code 231, 275
Unsafe conditions 119
Unsanitary conditions 119
Use of buildings 146, 162
Use of property 146
Utilities 207, 184, 275
Utility facility locating 161
Value 153
Vault 1
Vehicle Code of Pennsylvania 165
Violent behavior 233
Wages 155
Waste 1, 224
Waste can 224
Waste disposal 275
Waste flow control 212
Waste hauling 224
Waste reduction 204
Water closet 1
Water facilities 184
Water meters 8
Water rates 8
Water systems 275
Water works 8
Watercourse 275
Weeds 91
Weight limits 89, 263
Well 1
White Township 269
Yard and dimensional requirements 146
Yard size 146
Yards 209
Zoning 146
Zoning appeal 146, 189
Zoning districts 146, 189
Zoning Officer 146, 184, 209
Zoning permit 146
Zoning variance 146, 280
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