A Council meeting was held in a room at the stable of John T. Reeves
"Rule 5 - While the President is putting the question no member shall engage in conversation, walk across the floor or out of the room.
Rule 6 - Every member, previous to his speaking, shall rise from his seat, and shall address himself to the President, and say, 'Mr. President,' but shall not proceed with his remarks until recognized and named by the chair.
Rule 10 - While a member is speaking, no member shall hold a private discourse, nor pass between the speaker and the Chair."
"Moved by Reeves, seconded by Merriman, that notice be placed in Tribune, one insertion weekly, 3 weeks, notifying individuals to cease placing garbage along hill road approaching heights. Carried."
"Moved by Reeves, seconded by Morford, that officer be instructed to arrest and impound first animal found running at large, whether led by rope, tied to stake, or herded by boys. Carried."
"On motion of Merriman, seconded by Reeves, Mr. Barr was instructed to take to-morrow for impounding cattle, etc."
An agreement was made between the Borough Council and the Patterson Heights School District that the Council would bear the expense of repairing or changing the basement of the new school building to make it suitable for holding meetings and elections.
"Moved and seconded that the Street Com. be instructed to take advice and action in regard to having Mr. Watson place chain across opening to his coal road.
"On motion duly carried the secretary was instructed to have signs prepared to place on Hillside Road to prohibit painting or defacing same."
"On motion the burgess was instructed to rent a stable in which to impound cows, etc., at best rate possible."
The Patterson Heights Volunteer Fire Department was incorporated, making it Beaver County's first incorporated fire department.
The first Patterson Heights Board of Health was appointed (Fred Harn, O.P. McClain, Dan Paul, C.C. Galton, and L.S. Townsend).
Council recommended a budget of $1,890. Council set a tax of 8 mills to provide revenue of $1,600. The Borough operated the year of 1909 for $1,600.61.
A contract for the erection of a new municipal building was awarded to Martsolf Brothers Company of New Brighton for $2,775 (low bidder).
The Borough Council decided that the contract with Martsolf Brothers would be extended.
A special meeting was held for the purpose of making settlement ($405.50 balance due) with Marsolf Brothers relative to the municipal building.
The Commissioner of Health issued a permit (recorded in the Beaver County Courthouse January 14, 1913) for sewerage to the Borough, with reports and plans to be filed annually showing extensions to the sewer system made each year.
The Board of Health suggested to Council that they designate a day as "Clean Up Day," on which all rubbish should be hauled to the public dump free of charge to residents.
The Beaver County Light Company notified the Borough that free electric service furnished to the Borough Building was in violation of the Public Service Company Law, and would be discontinued in Nevember 15, 1919.
Major repairs to Hillside Avenue are made by J.M. Hughes & Son.
Beaver Valley Water Company installed a meter at the borough building (cistern water was used previously).
C. E. Reich, secretary of the Patterson Heights Community Club, announced that the club had disbanded, and the treasury balance of $4.61 was given to the borough.
Clyde W. Ohnsman, borough engineer, announced that a sanitary sewer system had been installed, and his final assessment was presented for council approval.
The budget for 1929 was $41,975.00. Sewer receipts were $13,625.00.
A dinner of "Turkey and Trimmins" was held in honor of Charles Reich, Council Chairman in 1929, and "who is on record as being in the service of the Boro for the past eighteen years with only one tardy meeting night off in the eighteen years of service."
Two individuals were notified that complaints had been made about the reckless driving of their delivery trucks in the Borough.
It was reported that $10.00 was received for a permit to move a steam shovel down Hillside Avenue. The Borough Secretary was directed to advise a resident that he had been observed throwing garbage into the ravine along Hillside Avenue, and that this practice must be stopped at once.
Purchased from M.C. Wilde--one furnace with pressure tank and pipe for $25.00.
The Board of Education thanked the Council for prompt action on its request for safety signs warning motorists of approach to school.
Gasoline was $0.195 per gallon. Men were paid $0.48 per hour to stay at the fire station when the power was off.
Rent was no longer paid by the County for use of the Borough Building as a polling place for primary elections. The proposed budget was $7,650. The telephone bill was $0.05 plus $0.10 (balnce due the previous month) -
total $0.15.
A 1936 Dodge truck was purchased for $450.00. The firemen added a tank, pump, and hose. "Dump Road" became 8th Street Extension to Ross Hill after major work, in the Fall.
Purchased one used Warco Grader from the Borough of New Brighton for $450.00.
Christmas trees could be lit if they could be turned off on a moment's notice per order of the State Council of Defense.
John Zarle, chairman of the Defense Council, stated that four "simulated incidents" were planned for the night of June 25, County "black out" night.
Fifty citizens petitioned that the dump and disposal ground. owned by Reeves Land Company, located at 8th Avenue below 4th Street, be removed.
After several months of discussion, and a petition requesting that the ball park be removed from its location between 4th Avenue and 6th Avenue, the Patterson Heights Baseball Team announced that the ballpark would be moved to another location outside the Borough. The petition noted boisterousness, parking difficulties, and dust.
Special thanks were extended to Phil Erath, Jr., for the excellent snow removal during the emergency. There was also a notice in the Tribune to all the residents of the Borough who helped shovel snow. Letters of thanks were sent to Frank Smith of WBVP, and Michael Baker, Jr., of WRYO.
The Borough Secretary was authorized to write letters to the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Brownies asking them to be more careful in their use of the Borough Building.
Ordinance Number 119 -- Fee of $5.00 per month on trailers located in the Borough.
A telephone line for $13.00 per month was sanctioned for a radio-alarm system.
Council requested immediate delivery of a salt spreader from E. J. Fedigan, Inc., $557.92.
Shane Brothers were the low bidders for construction of a retaining wall on Hillside Avenue $3,764.15.
Council approved roping off 4th Street east from Darlington Road to 9th Avenue for sled riding.
Mr. Popovich of the Fire Department offered the Borough the old Larabee fire truck, with one reservation, that the truck could be used by the Fire Department at the annual Lawn Fete to haul children "around" the hill. The Larabee was returned to the Fire Department on December 2, 1957 for disposition.
A radio and telephone contract at $75 per year with the City of Beaver Falls was accepted.
An Earned Income Tax Ordinance passed on the third reading.
Council decided to create a Recreation Board with the School Board of Patterson Heights.
Fourth Street was set aside for sledding providing that the children did not damage any property, and refrained from the use of abusive language. If these conditions were violated, the street would be opened to traffic, and the street ashed and salted.
The Planning and Zoning Commission was established. A Zoning Ordinance was passed.
The State Highway Department announced that a storm sewer would be installed the length of 7th Street down to Hillside Avenue.
Mr. Emil Sudar of the Fire Department reported that the Department was now debt free, as the truck obligation was paid in full.
Mr. Robert Mineard was sworn in as Police Chief, and Mr. Stewart Caler as Assistant Police Chief.
An agreement with New Brighton for the use of a radio hookup was executed.
Mr. Neal Anderson was hired to enforce the Dog Law in the borough for $15 per month.
Sahli Motors was the low bidder for a Chevrolet truck ($4,741.85).
Council passed the Sewer Rental Ordinance effective January 1, 1972, establishing a fee of $24 per year.
At a special meeting Council accepted the Koontz Equipment Company bid for the purchase of a leaf loader in the amount of $3,243.00
Mrs. Ensworth reported that 18-, 19-, and 20-year-old residents were now listed on the tax duplicate.
Ordinance Number 170--Amusement Tax--was adopted. the Beaver Valley Country Club was notified of the Ordinance and its effective date.
Hillside Avenue is officially closed by PennDOT
The Borough celebrated its 75th Anniversary at the "traditional" Lawn Fete.
At a special meeting Council agreed to enter into the Community Development Act of 1974 (Beaver County). Monies received under the Act can be used for recreation, lighting, sewers, or crime prevention.
A Curfew Ordinance is adopted--involving anyone under 18 years of age during the hours of 11:00 P.M. and
6:00 A.M.
Architect Steve Petz was contracted to draw up the topographical map and preliminary drawings relative to revamping the recreation area.
Our nation's Bicentennial was celebrated in Patterson Heights with an all-day celebration in conjunction with the annual Lawn Fete dating to 1910. The festivities began at noon with a parade led by Mayor Perry Small, followed by a concert by the Blackhawk High School Band. At 1 pm a square dance demonstration was performed by a group from Blackhawk High School. Following was a concert by the Beaver County Senior Citizen Choral Group. Later was a barbecue chicken dinner, folk singing, more square dancing, and a rock group at 8 pm.
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