(Updated 2/5/2025) Scroll down to the next section to see A View From the Heights
Beginning this year your borough tax payments must be made payable to the Borough of Patterson Heights or Patterson Heights Borough. Do NOT make checks payable to Nadine Galbreath or "Tax Collector." The bank will not accept you payment unless you check is made payable to the Borough of Patterson Heights or Patterson Heights Borough.
As a valued customer, we want to be sure that you are notified in advance for any planned network maintenance that my affect your service. These maintenances are occasionally scheduled for software upgrades/bug fixes. To try to minimize any disruptions during high usage times. Gonetspeed will have a scheduled maintenance on Wednesday, 2/12/25 between 2AM - 7AM, and we do not anticipate any impact to you.
If you see any issues beyond these hours, please reboot your router and Gonetspeed modem. If further assistance is needed please contact us at 855-891-7291 for Technical Support. We appreciate your patience during this time.
Thank you for being a Gonetspeed customer.
With few exceptions, door-to-door soliciting is not permitted in Patterson Heights. The ordinance governing this activity is Chapter 110. Anyone wanting to solicit in the Borough must first register and obtain an ID card through the Borough Office. The people going door-to-door will each pay an administration fee and undergo a background check before they are issued their permit.
The only people who do not need permits are minors (18 or younger) soliciting for religious, charitable, or non-profit organizations.
If and when a solicitation permit is issued, that information will be placed on this website. Since the ordinance was passed in 2018, no permits have been issued. The police will enforce this ordinance, so if you have a person coming to your door to solicit your business, please call the police at (724) 775-0883.
We also maintain a list of people who do not want to be solicited under any circumstance. If you do not want solicitors coming to your house, please send us an email on the form at the bottom of this page. You will be added to the list, and be sent a small notice that you can place on your door or window stating that you are on the "No Solicitation" list.
This website is the official means of communication for the Borough of Patterson Heights. On this site you can find information on events scheduled for the neighborhood, like the water line work, dates and times for meetings, elections, and the arrival of Santa Claus. There are reminders about things like placing trash cans in the streets, recycling, and building and zoning permits.
The Borough posts the minutes of every council meeting, and in the minutes you can find summaries of monthly police and fire reports, as well as summaries of other topics discussed during the meeting. The Borough also posts meeting agendas prior to each Council meeting. There is also a page listing the Borough's ordinances.
If you have a question, you can email the borough office at several locations on this site.
The Borough does not use sites like Nextdoor, Facebook, or Twitter to publish important information.
Keeping trash cans OFF the street is important. Placing ANYTHING on the street is in violation of Borough Ordinances as well as state law. Don't be surprised if you receive a citation for having cans in the street. Our primary concern is safety, including yours.
While Patterson Heights is a very safe place to live, there are situations in which the police get involved, but too often they do not. Often you see posts on social media about cars being broken into, or inappropriate behavior on the playground, for example. In the majority of cases, when asked if the police were called, the resident replies, "No," or "I didn't want to bother them."
Remember that the police are here to protect and defend us, but they can't do so if they are not called when bad things happen. So please, as the saying goes, "If you see something, say something." We have been instructed to not call the non-emergency number, as it rings to the same operators who take the 9-1-1 calls.
So remember, the police (or fire department or ambulance) can be reached at 9-1-1.
Despite many warnings about stopping at intersections in Patterson Heights, drivers continue to blow through stop signs. Unfortunately, children on bikes, scooters, and roller blades also ignore the stop signs, even when they are out with their parents. Please be sure your children are stopping and looking at ALL stop signs. Please avoid that 9-1-1 call that nobody wants to make!
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
View or download the current edition of A View from the Heights
Most development is regulated under two different codes--a zoning code and a building code. Receiving a Zoning Permit is the first step in the development process, followed by applying for and receiving a Building Permit. In Patterson Heights a separate Zoning Permit is required prior to application for a Building Permit.
Zoning Code is oriented towards how a project fits into the community. It regulates setbacks, types of uses, height, parking requirements, design (for some types of projects), and similar concerns. Patterson Heights is divided into zoning districts, and each zoning district has its own set of regulations. For example, the regulations that would apply in a residential district (R) will be different from those in a multi-family (MDO) or commercial (C) district.
Cardboard Recycling
Believe it or not, the cardboard retriever fills up almost every week, before it is emptied on Thursday. If you bring cardboard for disposal, please do not leave it outside the box. The truck driver only has time to pick up the box and dump it into the truck, not to clean up the area around the box.
When will the Borough pick up the tree in my yard that got damaged in the last storm? Patterson Heights will pick up normal yard waste, such as leaves, twigs, sticks, grass, basically any plant material that can fit into one of the yard waste bags sold at Home Depot, Lowe's, or Costco. Limbs and larger portions of trees are the responsibility of the homeowner for disposal.
How much can I put in each bag? Recently, several residents have overloaded their bags and found them left by the side of the road. Borough Council has instructed Bryan and Charlie not to pick up any bags in excess of 40 pounds.
When will leaves be picked up? According to our current schedule, leaves will be picked up depending on when they start falling. Watch for the signs. No loose leaves will be picked up in the Spring or Summer. At those times, the leaves must be bagged.
What days are the bags picked up? The bags will be picked up Monday through Friday, if Bryan and Charlie have time. If they are working on road resurfacing or repairing a catch basin, they will not be picking up yard waste.
What can I put in the yard waste bags? You can put up to 40 pounds of PLANT waste material that grew in your yard--including trimmings, weeds, grass, twigs, small (thin) branches, and garden clean-up.
What CAN'T I put in the yard waste bags? Large, thick branches, lumber, plastic (including the square or round pots which came from the garden supply store), cans, bottles, glass, or animal waste.
Where can I get the bags? Home Depot, Lowe's, hardware stores, Costco, just about anywhere they sell lawn care products. Just be sure that the bags are made of heavy paper, not plastic. Plastic bags WILL NOT BE PICKED UP!
What about sticks and twigs? Can they be bundled? Yes, sticks and twigs can be gathered into SMALL bundles, and tied with cotton string or rope to hold them together. The individual pieces, and thus the bundle, can be no longer than four feet.
After cleaning up a large area of my backyard, I ended up with a large pile of tangled branches, weeds, and vines. What can I do with it? The Borough will not pick up piles like this (and they appear every year). You can either break it down into pieces small enough to fit into bags, or pay somebody to do it for you.
More questions will be added. If you have a question that is not answered, call the Borough Office at 724-846-0677.
Are you leaving your cardboard out to be hauled away by Valley Waste?
See the item on this page about the $158,000+ grant we have received! Part of the reason we received the grant is that we in Patterson Heights have been recycling cardboard!
It's easy. Just break your boxes down flat, and put them into the large box behind the Borough Building. You can access the box via the alley off 7th Street between 7th and 8th Avenues.
Don't send it to the landfill! Put it to work earning money for Patterson Heights!
The Beaver County Recycling Center in Brady's Run Park is open!.
NEW operating hours:
Monday and Tuesday 8:30am to 3:30pm
Wednesday Noon to 5:00pm
Thursday 8:30am to 3:30pm
Every 3rd Saturday 8:30am to Noon
Recyclable items include:
Corrugated Cardboard
Mixed Paper
Glass Bottles & Jars
Commingle (aluminum, steel, bi-metal cans, #1 or #2 plastic)
Used Motor Oil
Scrap Metal
Polystyrene ("styrofoam," white, blocky foam only, such as foam coolers, electronics packing foam, foam sheets
Yard Waste*
Fluorescent bulbs*
Electronics (E-waste)*
Our paper recycling box, located behind the Municipal Building, is emptied about every two months. Each full box holds between 1-1/4 and 1-1/2 tons of paper, so we are recycling a lot of paper!
The corrugated cardboard is picked up each Thursday.
Unfortunately, we still see lots of cardboard left out for the trash on Monday mornings!
Bring your paper and cardboard down to the collection bins behind the Municipal Building. Why? See the item about the grant we received for a new leaf vac.
The Ladies' Auxiliary organizes programs, fundraisers, and other activities for the benefit of the residents and fire fighters of Patterson Heights. The Auxiliary meets the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. in the Borough Building. If you have not yet joined, the Auxiliary invites you to come to a meeting, and would love to have you as a member. Contact Lindsey Beegle at (724) 630-0308.
If you are interested in being alerted in the case of an emergency (like the chlorine gas leak in Rochester on July 12), start by going to the Beaver County website (www.beavercountypa.gov). (You will have to type the Beaver County web address into a new page, as the link above will not take you the website.)
On the right side of the page, about halfway down, there is a link to "Swift 911 - Emergency Notification Services."
Click on that box, and you will be taken to a portal where you can sign up to receive emergency alerts.
If you have a family member with mental or physical challenges, we can alert the Police Department, Fire Department, and County Emergency Management team by means of a list maintained in the Borough Office.
If you have any questions, or would like to have someone added to the list, give us a call or send us an email.
All residents should have recently received a pamphlet with current emergency preparedness information. If you are living with a person who has special needs, please complete and return the Special Needs Card enclosed in the pamphlet.
If you are adding or making changes to the structures on your property, you may need a zoning permit, a building permit, or both. This includes adding a deck, an addition, a larger porch, attached or detached garage, shed, playhouse, storage building, pergola, garden structure, greenhouse, pool house, cabana garage, or a fence. If you have any questions call the Borough Office at (724) 846-0677, or send us an email. By the way, your contractor is not usually your best source for information about Patterson Heights zoning regulations.
Need help with your application? Just call.
We're open! We're waterproof! Our roofing has almost been completed: Ethan still has a few minor "fixings" which do not interfere with the use of the LFL. It's been waterproofed and has a new and slightly different but equally lovely roof and my good neighbor Peter repainted the inside so it is fresh and clean and, thanks to Jake and Josh, some children's books have found their way inside, and a few adult books are being added. Thanks to all of you who enjoy reading, and sharing your love of literature.
An alert council member has made us aware that Valley Waste WILL PICK UP GLASS now. The glass is not actually being recycled, but put to use in the landfill.
You may still take your glass to Brady's Run if you chose, but now you can also place it in the recycling bin you place at your curb.
Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, July 17, 2024, 7:00 p.m.
All Council Meetings are held in the Municipal Building.
Not surprisingly, Duquesne Light does not monitor our street lights to make sure they stay in working condition. It is up to us to alert them to the need for repair.
You can do this yourself, if you like, by calling Duquesne Light at 888-393-7100, or by contacting the borough office. If you call Duquesne Light they will want to know the location of the light, and the number(s) on the pole. Some poles have as many as three numbers, some only have one.
Do you like the website? Do you hate the site? Do you have any suggestions for improvements? We are working to add more features, but don't wait. Let us know if there is something you would like to see on the Patterson Heights site. Our email link is at the bottom of the page.
Patterson Heights is a small community in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. We are almost completely residential, yet close to schools, churches, and shopping. We have our own park, with a playground and an all-weather basketball court. Our residents love to walk their dogs, jog, or ride their bikes on our quiet streets. They enjoy activities such as our annual Community Day and Movies in the Park.
Patterson Heights is a great place to raise a family, and one of our newest families is comprised of a pair of Bald Eagles, whose nest is on the hillside above the Beaver River. They have given birth to, and raised, several eaglets in the last couple of years. While they cannot be viewed from the Heights (on orders of PA Wildlife), they can often be seen flying over the Beaver and Ohio Rivers, or catching fish in the Beaver. Big Rock Park in New Brighton is a great place to watch the eagles and many other types of wildlife.
We are located near I-376, which connects us with Pittsburgh (only 31 miles, often just a 45-minute drive) and New Castle. The Turnpike can take us to Youngstown, Ohio, and points east as far as Harrisburg and Philadelphia.
I-376 can also take us past the new Shell ethane cracker plant, only about 10 miles away, which is scheduled to begin operations later in 2022.
Whether you're relocating, or would just like to visit a beautiful little town with tree-lined streets and friendly people, be sure to check out Patterson Heights. And if you have any questions, email us at the address shown below.
Mayor - Regis Luger
Council President - Bill Starn (724) 630-1707
Council Vice-President - Jim Turnbull (724) 494-3306
Council Member - Bryan Landman (724) 494-1024
Council Member - Ryan Errett (724) 601-9202
Council Member - David Lee (724) 622-5076
Council Member - Rich Siget (724) 581-8648
Council Member - Andrew Why (412) 956-0765
Solicitor - Frank Paganie
Tax Collector - Nadine Galbreath (724) 494-1846
Secretary/Treasurer - Jack Doyle (724) 462-0923 (office hours listed below)
Zoning Officer - Jack Doyle (724) 462-0923
Zoning Board Chair - Tony Sadaka
Zoning Board Member - Ruthanne Bentley
Zoning Board Member -
Auditor -
Auditor -
Auditor -
Vacancy Board Chair - Caren Turnbull
Code Enforcement - Building Inspection Underwriters (412) 766-2565
Police Chief - Dave Stanislawski 9-1-1
Fire Chief - Jason Medlin (for service call 9-1-1)
Emergency Management Coordinator - Bryan Landman (724) 494-1024
District Magistrate - Dirk Goodwald (724) 770-2002
Open Records Officer - Jack Doyle (724) 846-0677
Patterson Heights was incorporated on June 19, 1899, and is one of the smallest municipalities in Beaver County. When incorporated, Patterson Heights had 27 residents. As of 2010, there were 636 residents living in the 268 homes in Patterson Heights. Part of the old Beaver Valley Country Club, now the Beaver Valley Golf Club, lies within the boundaries of Patterson Heights.
The first regional airport in Beaver County was the Patterson Heights Airport, located in the general vicinity of the Beaver Valley Gold Club. The airport was in existence from the 1920's until 1957.
The first business in Patterson Heights was a general store owned and operated by Rosser Prosser.
The Patterson Heights Street Railway Company operated the Patterson Heights Incline beginning in 1895, which connected residents with lower Beaver Falls. The lower station was located at the factory of Penn Bridge Works, the area now known as Bridge Street.
Alum Rocks, located overlooking Beaver Falls and the Beaver River, has been the site of discovery for many Native American artifacts that have taught us a lot about the Indians that once resided here.
The Patterson Heights Volunteer Fire Department incorporated on November 4, 1903, making it the first incorporated fire department in Beaver County.
Patterson Heights does not have its own police department. Patterson Township Police serve and protect in Patterson Heights.
Patterson Heights is part of the Blackhawk School District.
From the Beaver County Historical Research & Landmarks Foundation
600 7th Avenue, Patterson Heights, Pennsylvania 15010
Phone us at (724) 846-0677 Email us at pheights600@gmail.com
Generally, I am in the office between about 10 and 2 on most weekdays. Enter the building through the door on the side of the building, and take the elevator up to the second floor. If you see my car in the parking lot or the light on in the office in the corner of the second floor, feel free to stop in. If you have an important matter to dicus, and I am not in the office, call me on my cell phone, (724) 462-0923-- Jack
Copyright © 2025 Borough of Patterson Heights - All Rights Reserved.